Dear Members of Shri Harishchandra Intermediate College family, Well Wishers, Parents, and Students,


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website. We have tried to create an online resource that provides all relevant information about the school, and I hope that as you peruse through the contents of this website, you will get a sense of the rich flavor of life at our school.

​                I am very proud to be the Principal of this prestigious school.  It is a privilege for me to work with students, staff, and members of the Management Committee of this School. My aim is to lead our school community to enable us to work together to achieve our goals. Under my leadership and as a team working together, we strongly promote academic achievement among our students.

​                We aim to create a safe, nurturing yet challenging environment that is built on positive relationships; developing the whole students- emotionally, socially, and academically. We care for and appreciate each of our students as the unique individuals that they are each with distinct talents, interests, and needs, and each with different learning styles.

​                We develop in each of our students a curious, enquiring and discriminating mind, a desire of knowledge and a set of skills; mathematical, artistic, physical, emotional, and social. We want each of our students to leave the school with the values of respect, cooperation, and persistence. We value relationships and connections with the community. We encourage our students to develop respectful relationships with their peers, teachers, and the broader community.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the website.

Thanks to all.

Dr Umesh Kumar Singh
